The first issue of the Linton News, produced using a daisy-wheel typewriter and manual 'cut and paste'. April 1987
'The Father of the Linton News'
Ron Amsden founded the paper in 1987, working with 'irrepressible enthusiasm', before retiring in 2001
First birthday celebrations!
Wendy Foster retires as Editor in October 2013 after 10 years in the hot seat
...and now
Over the years the process of getting the news out to our readers has become a well oiled machine.
Each month scores of regular and occasional contributors send in articles and pictures to let us know what is happening in the village. The editor and sub editors work their magic and produce a rough copy which then goes to the proof readers who mark up any errors.
The final copy is sent to Oliver, at Plumridges, who prints off 2,350 copies. These are counted out, by the delivery managers, into 63 separate paper rounds and taken out to the last link in the chain - our highly esteemed deliverers!
We are always looking for items that will be of interest to the village, so if you have a story, photo or an event to be publicised please send them into the Editor. The dates for deadlines are can be found in the previous months edition.
the future
The Linton News has been likened to the 'glue' that binds the village together. There is something very special about a village that can muster a team of nearly 100 volunteers to produce and deliver a free monthly newspaper come rain or shine.
Long may it continue!
New volunteers are always welcome so if you think you would like to join the Linton News team, in any capacity, we'd be delighted to hear from you.